News in 2000
December 28th 1999 |
Lilit has given birth to 2 fine kittens, both males. The delivery was not quite easy, but
a caesarean operation was not necessary, and we are very happy that there was more than
one kitten. Both the mother and the kittens are fine, but as many cats not having kittens before Lilit seems to be a little bored. She wants company all the time - and in fact it is a very understandable desire, isn't it? |
9. April 2000 |
It is now a fortnight since Zenit was brought to her new home, and a week ago Zoogin left us. Both felt very comfortable in their new homes after only a while. It is rather quiet here now. We - the persons - miss the kittens, but the cats don't seem to miss them. To the contrary Ofelia and Djingiz look happy to have a little more space again. Not even Lilit seems to miss the kittens, only sometimes she should like someone to join her wild games. Unlike the kittens the two "old" ones can't meet her wishes for how often the wild games should take place. |
May 21st 2000 |
Djingiz has some weird eating practices, and just now he is crazy about broccoli. Because he is constantly both hungry and on a slimming diet, we sometimes supplement his diet with vegetables to make his food fill more in his stomach. First we found out that he - and by the way also Ofelia - likes green beans. Later on asparagus was put on his menu; fresh, green are preferred. And a short time ago he saw his chance to steel some newly boiled broccoli. He likes the stalk the best! His Prescription TDs for dogs are suspected of giving him an allergic reaction, and we are not giving him TDs at the moment. |
July 16th 2000 |
For a week or so Djingiz has again got a few Prescription Diet TD for dogs every day for his teeth, and until now his allergy has not shown again. We hope it goes on this way, because the TDs are good for his teeth. Zenit has been to another show. She was the best Russian Blue, but was not nominated for best in show. Right now she seems to grow bigger than Lilit - even though none of her parents are big Russian Blues. In the end of July Lilit is going to a show in Finland. We hope to bring an International Champion home with us, so she can again be shown in competition in Denmark. |
August 3rd 2000 |
Lilit became International Champion in Helsinki, and we have sent her papers for a show in Denmark in September. As always Lilit was very sweet and easy to handle, both at the show and during the journey. We saw many members of Lilit's Finnish family that we hadn't seen before. She takes most after her father's side. But also another of her mother Kapris' daughters who has a different father from Lilit was much alike Lilit, so she must have got something from the maternal side as well. |
Both Lilit and Zenit were shown in Kolding September 2nd. For the first time in Denmark we had a Russian Blue Special at this occasion, and many more Russian Blues than usual were present. Lilit was second in her class. The judge preferred the oriental typed Russian Blues, and Lilit is NOT oriental typed. We are happy she isn't, we don't like the oriental typed Russian Blues at all. Zenit had more luck. She had another judge, and she was BIV youngster and was also nominated for Best in Show. So far she has some very good show results. |
October 7th 2000 Elvis posing |
Lilit has just come home after almost a week in Elvis' home, but we don't think the meeting was successful. Elvis was sweet and very much in love, but Lilit was not at all co-operative. After some days she was more obliging, but then she was not on heat any more. If we will have to try again - and we think it will
be necessary - Elvis will come to Lilit. Then we can hope that this arrangement is
better. |
October 27th 2000 |
About a week ago Lilit went on heat again, and she and we had a visit from Elvis for some days. He soon felt at home, and even though Lilit wasn't that forthcoming she was mated. Many times, so we hope very much for a result. If she is pregnant the kittens are supposed to be born at Christmas. |
November 20th 2000 |
We are now sure that Lilit is pregnant. If only everything turns out well...We are already worried. Ofelia and Djingiz have been to their annual health check and inoculations, and both were found fine. Ofelia got something extra in her vaccine to prevent her from being ill from the shot, and this year there were no adverse effects at all. Djingiz was praised because of his teeth, and we are quite sure that his daily TD (for dogs) is good for them. |
December 31st 2000 The kittens are aged |
On Christmas Eve 6.07 p.m. and 6.35 p.m. Lilit gave birth to two kittens. We believe they are both females, but we will not name them until we are completely sure. The delivery was rather dramatic, but fortunately both kittens were healthy and vigorous. They weighed 102 and 105 g. Today they have more than doubled their weight, and we think they are very advanced for their age. Both of them are beginning to open the eyes, and they are trying to stomp around with their tails up in the air. Also they are already purring a lot. HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY! |